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Moodle (2)

Moodle related queries

Cele mai populare articole

 New way to manage files (moodledata) in Moodle 2.0

Moodle 2.0 adopted a new mechanism for file handling to improve security. The moodledata...

 Retrieval of new FTP password

If  you want to change your old FTP password, you can easily change/retrieve a new password...

 How to connect FTP ?

For FTPing, you need an FTP client to connect your computer to your hosting account.We recommend...

 Where I can find my FTP username and password?

To locate your FTP username and password 1. Log in to your account in control panel.2. From...

 How can I take database backups?

Yes, you can backup your database through control panel. 1. Log in to your account in control...