“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light”~Dumbledore (Harry Potter).
With schools, colleges, universities and offices all round the world closing down to stem the spread of Covid-19, the responsibility on the online learning platforms has increased manifold. While e-learning and online classrooms have been around for many out there, the whole education space is now dependent on the online medium to teach and train, at least for the next few months.
There has been an increase of more than 40% in the total number of registered sites of Moodle, our beloved LMS since last month clearly indicating that it is being adopted as the LMS of choice for the people experimenting with online learning.
Congrea has been complimenting Moodle’s asynchronous workflow with real-time classroom workflow and it is only apt that in these trying times where classrooms are getting disrupted all over the world due to lockdowns and quarantines, we bring Congrea virtual classroom within the reach of more organisations, teachers, trainers to efficiently hold real-time online classes for their staff, students and trainees.
We know that in this time of crunch, it is not possible for all of you adopting Moodle to shell out those few extra bucks or get those approvals from your Finance and Accounts departments while your audience lose that precious time away from their learning.
We are happy to launch a free plan for upto 100 live users with 10 rooms for all Moodle installations. This means that on a Moodle installation, you can have a maximum of 10 sessions at the same time – as long as the number of students (and teachers / trainers/ presenters) attending all the live sessions together does not exceed 100. All the features of Congrea platform are available in the free plan except session recording. You need to use your own means if you need to record your Congrea sessions under the free plan.
We hope that the transition to e-learning for the new adopters of Moodle will be aided and enhanced by Congrea and they will be able to enhance the experience, engagement and learning of their audience, not just for these trying times, but for all time to come.
Don’t feel left out if you need more than 100 live users. Keep watching this space as we are hugely cutting down Congrea prices for business users and also bringing special education pricing as well.
Stay Safe, Stay Connected – with Congrea!